Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The High Noon Train to Churchgate (Woo Woo!)

Took the train into Mumbai again.. this time I managed to avoid being harassed and/or entering the ladies' compartment.

I took this picture because I wanted to look cool. I later found out that hanging out the train is extremely dangerous because you can either fall out and be run over by a passing train and die a horrible painful death... or worse, have your eye poked out by a rock thrown by street kids. I guess it's a game they play- 'maim the commuter' or some such nonsense.

I miss the NYC subways, where the most dangerous thing that happens is eye contact, or the occasional blind grope.

1 comment:

  1. 1) You do look cool. I wanna hang my head outside a damn train and play games with the street kids and passing trains

    2)If you fell out and died a horrible painful death, at least you looked cool before you died
